A Brilliant Exploit of South Korea‘s Players in Tokyo Olympics대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-08-21 09:48:01

Last year, Tokyo Olympics was supposed to be held, but it was canceled because of COVID-19. So, many people included players were disappointed. In this year, Tokyo Olympics was held in Tokyo on July 23. Players did their best in the competition, and people were cheering them. In South Korea, many players did a brilliant exploit in various kinds of sports.

▲ Right person`s name is `An-san`, and left person`s name is `Kim Jae-juk`. They are archery players in South Korea.

In Tokyo Olympics, there were 33 kinds of sports. The sport that we won was the four gold medals in archery. South Korea is famous for being good at archery. In this year, one player 'An-san' won the three gold medals in archery. She won the first triple crown in South Korea. Also, with 'An-san' player, 'Kim Jae-duk' also became known. He is only 17 years old, and his cheering attracted people's attention. He shouted "Fighting!" during games, and people said that he was energetic. Six players in South Korea who worked so hard-won four gold medals.

▲ South Korea`s volleyball team won the game with Turkey.

Also, many people were interested in a volleyball game. In a volleyball team, there were twelve players including Kim Yeon-gyeong. She is very famous for volleyball all over the world. She led her team, so her team could make a good result. Before they played a game with Turkey, most people said that Turkey would win. However, we won a come-from-behind victory with perfect teamwork. Also, Kim Yeon-gyeong became the first player to record 30 or more points in an Olympic match four times.

Like these, archery and volleyball made a great result in Tokyo Olympics. Not only two sports but also other sports' players also worked really hard to win the game. Many people were hoping for them to get many awards as they practiced hard without any injury.

By Park Soyoon


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