The COVID-19 Cases Show a Few Signs of a Slowdown in South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-08-21 10:02:48

The new coronavirus cases remained in the 1,700s for three straight days, showing a few signs of a slowdown. According to the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency, 1,704 COVID-19 cases including 1,640 local infections raised the total caseload to 207,406. Four additional deaths from COVID-19 raised the death toll to 2,113, and the fatality rate came to 1.02 percent.

▲ Medical workers administer COVID-19 vaccinations

The current social distancing measures were to expire on Sunday, August 8th, but the country decided to maintain them for two more weeks, ending on August 22nd. The Seoul area enforces level four distancing measures, and other areas are under level three. In Seoul, gatherings of more than two people after 6 p.m. are banned, and restaurants and cafes can remain open only until 10 p.m. Also, nightclubs and other entertainment venues are banned.

Under level three, on the other hand, cafes and restaurants can accept customers until 10 p.m., and only delivery services are allowed after that time. Private gatherings of more than five people are banned. Health authorities announced that they removed the exceptions for gatherings of direct family members, and the country might be able to ease the measures in the capital area if daily infection rates dropped to the 800s.

▲ People wating to get their COVID-19 tests

Starting from February, forty percent of the population have received the first shots of their COVID-19 vaccines, while fifteen percent have been fully vaccinated according to the KDCA. South Korea aims to administer a single vaccination shot to seventy percent of its people by September. The number of people released from quarantine after full recoveries is 182,052, and the number of patients in critical condition comes up to 376.

▲ COVID-19 vaccines

By Jia Sohn


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