One of the Greatest Archers, Kim Je Deok대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-08-26 13:51:52

In 2021, Tokyo Olympics was held, and many players participated in this Olympics. One of the Korean archers, Kim Je Deok, defeated the Netherlands and got a gold medal in the mixed team game with An San. Also, he defeated Taiwan and got a gold medal on the men's team. Lastly, he participated in Archery Individual Ranking Round, and he got the first rank.

▲ A picture of Kim Je Deok

When Kim Je Deok was young, he started archery in he was third grade in elementary in 2013. After one year, he got almost every national convention medal. Also, he appeared on television in Archery Whiz Kid. In middle school, he received an excellent player award from Korea Archery Association in 2019. He got a gold medal in the team game and a bronze medal in the individual game at World Junior Player Convention which was held in Spain, Madrid. Because of this convention, he received attention.

When Kim Je Doek first had a chance to be a national team player in 2019 for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, he was ranked 19th at first, and he was waived because of Impingement Syndrome. However, the 2020 Tokyo Olympics was delayed for one year, so he had one more chance. In national team trials, he ranked fifth and succeeded to be a national team player. Also, in Tokyo Olympic national team trials, he ranked third, so he became a Tokyo Olympic national team player.

▲ Shouting Kim Je Deok

Kim Je Deok is the youngest national archery player in South Korea, and he can develop more. Also, he has more chances to get medals, and he can get more medals in the next Olympics. He is a popular archery player, and he can be better than other archery players.

by Wang Jiho


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