What Causes People to Fall into Drugs?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-08-26 14:05:00

A drug is a substance that acts as an anesthetic and is addictive, and it makes users exhibit symptoms of addiction. Nowadays, drug crimes are a serious problem in South Korea. As years go by, purchasing drugs and dose-related ways are becoming more clever and more naughty. Many scientists say that an easy approach to Social Media and a week punishment influence people to take drugs.

▲ Nowadays, drug crimes are a serious problem in South Korea.(m.gettyimagesbank.com)

According to the National Police Agency, the number of crimes rose up to 8853 in 2016. However, drug offenses rose by 35 percent in the past five years. Like this, drug crimes are increasing every year. A drug that is a factor of drug crimes is taken by some people because of their curiosity. It lessens fatigue and alleviates depression temporarily. However, it causes depression and anger after a time.

There are some problems when people take drugs. First, it can cause withdrawal symptoms. To avoid uncomfortable results following the withdrawal, they take drugs continuously. It brings about a vicious circle. Taking drugs results in persecution complex, megalomania, and hallucination, too. Also, it can cause many health problems. It causes addiction diseases and brings about brain damage. Moreover, it declines the ability to exercise, so machine manipulation activities like vehicle driving is dangerous. In addition, people inhale harmful substances, so the danger of getting lung cancer increases.

▲ Taking drugs can causes many health problems.(newsis.com)

A drug crime has many additional problems like society disorder. Also, it can result in physical and psychological problems. An interested party of the Korean Association Against Drug Abuse said that the toxicity of a drug leads to a second conviction, so South Korea should reinforce support and expand the budget to treat addicts. Furthermore, communication with family and friends is important to prevent taking drugs. People should manage anxiety levels and stress, too.

By Namin Kim


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