What Are the Great Fencing Teams and Fencing Rule?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-08-26 14:11:08

There are many Olympic sports. However, one of the unpopular sports is fencing. Fencing consists of three parts: Epee, Sabre, and Fleuret. In this game, our players in South Korea made an amazing performance. As a challenger of the Champion, although they did not get a gold medal, they deserved to get a compliment because of their performance.

In the Women's Epee Team semifinal round, South Korea played against China. The team members of South Korea is Lee Hye-in, Song Sera, Kang Young-mi, Choi In-Jeong, and those of China are Lin Sung, Xuan Qi, Zu Ming Ye, and Su In Won. For the rule of Eppe competition, where the entire body is within the range of attack, each round can take up to three minutes. Three players take turns in nine rounds, and the team with a high final score or gets 45 points first wins. In the overall round, the world champion, China started to attack very hard. For the Korean players, it was very hard to protect and attack, but they kept leading in the game. In the end, the Chinese players, who wanted to win, started to attack very fast and urgently. However, due to this attitude, the Korean players got a lot of scores and finally won against China by 38 versus 29.

▲ What a Great Silver Medal made by Women`s Eppe Team!

In the Women's Sabre bronze medal match, there was an amazing reverse game. The rule of Sabre match is basically the same as Epee. Unlike Epee, however, the time limit of three minutes is rarely completed. This is because of the "priority rule for the attack." With the referee's signal, the side that takes the offensive position first will be given priority, and only the player who gets it can get a score. It was once a reversal of a ten-point gap until the middle part of the game. South Korea lost by ten points in the fifth round of the bronze medal final. However, in the sixth round, Yoon Ji-soo added 11 points. Seo Ji-yeon, who appeared in the seventh round, then turned the game around 35-33, and Yoon Ji-soo fought 5 to 5 in the eighth round to maintain the gap. Then, Kim Ji-yeon, the oldest sister who appeared in the last round, added five points to create a come-from-behind victory.

▲ First Bronze Medals achieved by Women`s Sabre Team!

The first Olympic event that started fencing was the Beijing Olympics, which was in 2008. Since the Beijing Olympics, there have been no more medals for Sabre, but in Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics, by getting the bronze medal, experts say that there must be better performance next time.

by Park Woo Jin


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