New Era of South Korean Sports Players 대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-08-26 14:13:13

Sports players from the whole world participated in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games with a bad situation of COVID-19 in Tokyo. A total of 237 South Korean sports players participated in Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. There were lots of trials and errors in the Olympics. However, South Korean sports players did their best and proved their effort.

▲ This is the picture of Hwang Sun Woo.

To start with, it is such good news that South Korea is having lots of rising young sports stars. Hwang Sun Woo is one of them. His performance during the Olympics was surprising. He was born in 2003. He is a young swimmer who broke Asia's record and South Korea's record. In the men's 100-meter freestyle semi-final, he broke Asia's record. Moreover, he broke South Korea's men's 200-meter record. After the 1956 world swimming championship in Melbourne, Australia, there was no one who got the Final round in men's 100-meter freestyle. So, the appearance of a new promising swimmer makes Koreans happy. Moreover, people expect that he will get a medal in the next Olympic Games.

Additionally, Shin Yu-bin, a ping-pong player was born in 2004. She participated in the Olympic Games for the first time. Although she did not get a medal, we were able to see an advancement of a young player through her. This is true that she did her best even if she was injured during the match.

▲ This is the picture of An San.

Furthermore, An San is an archer, who was born in 2001. She got three gold medals in archery. She got medals in the mixed team, women's team, and women's individual. Kim Je Deok is an archer, too, who was born in 2004. The Tokyo 2020 Olympics is the first Olympic Games for him. He is famous for "Korea Fighting", which is a chant that he kept on shouting during the match. He got two gold medals in archery. He got medals in mixed teams and men's teams.

▲ This is the picture of Woo Sang Hyuk.

Lastly, Woo Sang Hyuk is a high jumper, and he was born in 1996. He took fourth place in the high jump, and he broke South Korea's record.

To sum up, there are lots of young sports stars. It is true that all South Korean sports players did their best during the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. Through Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, we were able to discover new sports stars. South Korea is expected that will have better results in the next Olympic Games.

By Kim Tae Heon


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