How Can We Deal with Cyber Threat?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-08-26 14:15:32

As benefit creation through ransomware attacks spreads over the Internet, the Ministry of Science and ICT announced that they would strengthen ransomware confrontation ability.

▲ Ransomware makes a huge social and economical damage.

Ransomware is a type of malware that holds a target's data hostage to lock up its system until a ransom is paid. If ransomware is caused, it will make huge social and economical damage, so the importance of preemptive creation is magnified.

▲ The Ministry of Science and ICT announced they would improve the security.

The Ministry of Science and ICT elevated the cyber threat warning level from the lowest level to the second-lowest level on August 4th due to ransomware threats. The Korea Internet and Security Agency began to work on the emergency working systems including monitoring cyber systems and strengthening security. Therefore, to prevent a ransomware attack, the Ministry of Science and ICT is determined to enhance the ransomware confrontation system.

The Ministry of Science and ICT stated that they would develop infrastructure by adding oil refining companies and self-driving vehicles control systems to their core telecommunications infrastructure. Also, they announced that they would support data restoration systems for small businesses to help them improve the data encryption and data recovery technology. ICT and private enterprises support security solutions for small businesses. To prevent cyber victims' secondary damage, they strengthen the monitoring system of hacking organizations and establish an investigation system.

▲ U+ Cloud`s Security Package

LG U+ launched seven PC security solution package called 'U+ Cloud's Security Package that can be used in Cloud to prevent ransomware attack on August 8th. The package offers seven solution systems consisting of document encryption, integrated backup, blocking access to harmful websites, prevention of ransomware and leaking of private information, and BIZ remote solution system. LG U+ determined that they would extend their influence in the market of small businesses.

August 8th, 2021, by Kwak Chae Hyeon


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