Taehwa River Great Forest Surrender Festival대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-09-15 17:25:34

Do you like horror? Taewha River Great Forest Surrender Festival is a horror festival to experience in Taehwa River. You have to buy a ticket online to join this festival. In addition, it is held every summer in August for three days. For three days, you can experience many scary and enjoyable activities.

▲ The festival in 2020

The place is decorated with scary things, so it is good to take photos. Generally, you can enjoy a movie, watch performances and make anything. Moreover, it has many booths to experience. Each day has different activities to enjoy. The best one to experience is horror trekking. It is an activity where you trek in a 1.7-km-long course decorated with scary things, so people have to endure the scary road. This activity is the highlight of the festival, but it is very scary, so most people do not go on the road.

People participate in this festival because they want to drive away from the heat of summer, and the horror experience is the best in summer. So, many people come and enjoy this festival every year. Moreover, many people who like to have a horror experience love horror trekking very much. Every year, many people anticipate experiencing this festival.

▲ Many ghosts in trekking

In an interview with people who have joined this festival, they said that it is a great festival to drive away from the heat of summer. Also, many activities are enjoyable and scary. However, horror tracking is the scariest one. Also, other people said that this festival is good to experience horror, and it is interesting.

You can enjoy many activities and get scared at the Taehwa River Great Forest Surrender Festival. Therefore, this festival is scary and great, so many people can enjoy it. Also, many activities at this festival are great and worth experiencing. It is generally held in August, but because of covid-19, the festival is going to be held in September. If you want to experience horror, how about joining the Taehwa River Great Forest Surrender Festival?


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