Taking Charge of Summer Through Ulsan Summer Festival대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-09-20 14:28:38

Do you want to make your summer vacation special? There is a summer festival which can make your vacation unusual, and it is held in Ulsan. It is held thoroughly every year, and people can listen to various singers singing live with several genres and meet famous singers. Also, everyone of all generations can enjoy together.

First, the Ulsan Summer Festival has been hosted by Ulsan MBC Broadcasting company since 2003 because it was their 35th anniversary in 2003. For reference, this festival has been held for eight years now. In addition, it is made up of not fewer than 27 singing groups. So, about 110,000 people come to this event to enjoy and see their favorite singers personally.

▲ People enjoy Ulsan Summer Festival

Besides, it is always held at the Ulsan National Garden's outdoor theater, Sports Park, and Jungang Park for about seven days in the middle of August from 19:30 to 21:30.

Next, the Ulsan Summer Festival allows good memories between family and friends. Furthermore, people can enjoy the music. Not only ordinary people but also singers feel happiness when they see that people are delighted with their songs and communicate with fans. Also, they can promote themselves or their group to many people at once. Yun Hye Jung, who participated in this festival as an audience, said that when she joined the festival, she could see her favorite singing group and get to know new groups. In addition, she went to this festival with her friends, and it was the main topic among her friends and her. Therefore, their friendship becomes even stronger. After that, she waited for this year's festival, and if it was held, she has a good mind to attend this festival.

Supposedly, this year, the Ulsan Summer Festival would be held from August 13th to 18th at the Ulsan National Park.

▲ A schedule of Ulsan Summer Festival

However, because of the coronavirus, people could not attend and enjoy it personally. So, they have to just watch it at home online and through the videos. Although the audience should not attend this festival, both singers and audience felt amazed and enjoyed that time certainly.


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