Soeburi Festival in Ulsan대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-10-06 19:49:01

Do you know the meaning of Soeburi? It is an iron production that started from Samhan, one of the three political groups formed in South Central Korea before the period of the Three States. This is a festival to commemorate Soeburi, and it is called Ulsan Soeburi Festival. It starts on October 22nd and lasts for three days. Moreover, it is held at Dalcheon iron cage in Buk-Gu. There are not only activities about Soeburi but also traditional activities.

▲ Poster of 2021 Ulsan Soeburi Festival

Soeburi means a traditional steel-making process from melting a mineral to pulling out an iron. Therefore, there are many Soeburi activities such as doing smithy experience, carrying an earth iron, stepping on bellows, and listening to the sound of Soeburi. In addition, there are traditional Korean games and plays. Also, a special symposium about Soeburi is held, which makes the festival more meaningful, educational, and historical. Lastly, there are a lot of delicious foods, so you can enjoy cheap and tasty foods.

▲ People doing smithy experience

Since the number of visitors increases regularly, people can find out the reason for it through an interview. Last year, there was an interview with Ms. Lee, who visited the festival for the first time last year. She said she got to know Soeburi Festival from SNS. As it seemed an interesting festival, her family went to see it. Her children said that stepping on bellows was the best, and they even wanted to go to the festival again. She talked about the festival's advantages like understanding the history and the life of smith. Lastly, she told me that she will go there again because of the delicious foods and Soeburi activities.

Furthermore, the statistic shows Ulsan Soeburi that Festival has become a popular festival. THE FESTIVAL, a Korean festival survey site, once measured the rank of popular festivals in Ulsan, and Soeburi Festival ranked second. In addition, more than 80 percent of people who had been to the Soeburi Festival said that they wanted to visit and see it again. Also, Buk-gu residents evaluated and found out that because there were more people who visited the festival, it brought good effects to the economical aspect. Because of these benefits, there might be additional support to be given to Ulsan.

Ulsan Soeburi Festival is held to commemorate Soeburi, a traditional iron industry. In 2005, it was just about Soeburi. Now, however, there are more various activities, and it has become one of the most famous festivals in Ulsan. Enjoy and have fun at this meaningful and educational Ulsan Soeburi Festival.

By Oh Kyoung Taek


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