Warmbier‘s Death대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-07-18 12:03:12

  In the North Korean court, Otto Warmbier is speaking.   Warmbier, a 22-year-old University of Virginia student, died on Monday, six days after he returned to his Ohio home in a coma after 17 months of detention in the North. In January, 2016, he visited North Korea as a tourist agent, but was arrested for stealing political propaganda from the Yanggak International Hotel and was sentenced to 15 years in prison for stealing political propaganda. So, what caused Warmbier to die so quickly?

 Back in the United States, Warmbier was in a coma. The United States strongly criticized the state of Warmbier, but North Korea  saying, " Warmbier took sleeping pills after contracting Botulism or food poisoning. " However, the doctor who treated Warmbier in America  " There is no evidence of food poisoning in Warmbier, and the body is awake, but is not responsive. " he said. 

 The bereaved family has said, " Otto Warmbier died on June 19, 2017, and he died from North Korean abuses. " They are representing as the Warmbier's family, and said they have appreciation for President Donald Trump and that he did his best to get him released. Warmbier's funeral was held on June 22. The funeral service was held at Warmbier's alma mater, Wyoming High School and thousands of citizens, from the city of Cincinnati, participated in the ceremony and mourned for him.  

 The incident prompted the U.S. government and the rest of the world to pay attention to other people detained in North Korea. The United States is also calling for the release of the three remaining Americans in the North Korea. Due to this incident, the 3 remaining Americans detained in North Korea, it is hoped, will be released as soon as possible. The United States want them home safely so their precious lives are not lost like Otto Warmbier.


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