Metaverse: Important Tool For Insurance Companies대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2022-02-16 12:15:55

Insurance companies actively utilize metaverse technology. For insurance enterprises, a metaverse is a tool to escape from the originally hard image and to target Millennials and Generation Z.

▲ Hanhwa Life`s metaverse system, Lifeplus Town

Hanhwa Life introduced its metaverse system, Lifeplus Town. Lifeplus Town is the imaginary training institute of Hanhwa Life. Lifeplus Town's design reflected the circular design of the real training institute of Hanhwa Life called Life Park. Lifeplus Town consists of a lecture room, conference hall, event zone, quiz zone, and cafe zone. Also, some events provide experience study, meeting plaza, and terrace where workshops go along. Participants could enter the town and communicate in a real-time bidirectional way. Participants could have a consulting time about insurance of illness. According to the team leader of training, Hanhwa Life expected to have various education systems through a metaverse.

▲ Samsung Fire launched their direct brand called ˝Chack˝ through their metaverse platform.

Samsung Fire launched their direct brand called "Chack" through their metaverse platform called "some". 'Chack' means the Samsung Fire promised to provide various systems Chack to help many customers. The employees attended the meeting as avatars, and they had the workshop through their metaverse platform. In the event, Samsung Fire determined that they would provide the customers with the custom-built system and develop their system digitally.

▲ Heungkuk Life belonged to metaverse alliance.

Heungkuk Life and Shinhan Life also utilize metaverse for their digital development through a metaverse alliance. Metaverse alliance is a K-alliance managed by the Ministry of Science and ICT. Many enterprises that belonged to the metaverse alliance worked together for the development of the metaverse industry. Heungkuk Life provides financial consulting and health care services through its metaverse platform. Shinhan Life attempts to develop its working environment through metaverse alliance.

Insurance companies are trying to communicate with the young generation through imaginary space. At this point, a metaverse is a core tool for communication improvement and development of enterprises' image.

February 6th, by Kwak Chae Hyeon


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