Risk of Smartphones대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-07-19 14:12:11

 Koreans individually spent two hours and 10 minutes of their waking hours on smartphones, ranking sixth in the world. According to German market researcher Statista, the country spent four hours and 48 minutes per day on average in Brazil. China ranked second with three hours. South Korea ranked sixth behind the U.S. (2 hours 37 minutes), Italy (2 hours 34 minutes), and Spain (2 hours 11 minutes).

 The overall smartphone dependence has grown worse than the previous year.In 2016, the risk groups for smartphones reached 17.8 percent, up 1.6 percentage points from 16.2 percent in 2015. In addition to being able to use smartphones, or have smartphones with smartphone use, the smartphone has been labeled as ‘a combination of two or more special risks ’, especially when smartphones use smartphones, or psychologically, or socially disadvantaged, when using smartphones. The number of people that use or have smartphones is growing. It is growing at such a worrying pace that the smartphone has been labeled as a combination of two or more special risks being ‘psychologically or socially disadvantaged.’

 The dependency at risk group was more than 10 percent of all age groups. Most of the most dependent groups range from 10 to 19 years old, reaching 30.6 percent of the population. Among children aged 3 to 9, dependency percent increased by 17.9 percentage points compared to last year. The number of adults aged 20 to 59 also rose 2.6 percentage points from a year earlier to 16.1 percent. The survey showed that the number of people 

aged 60 or older who were included in the survey was found to be in the reliance at risk percent.

 However, smartphone addiction has symptoms similar to gambling addiction or drug addiction, but social shame is not considered so much. This means that people don't realize that smartphone addiction is a serious problem and as a result don't take any action at all. Korean parents try to limit the use of smartphones by their teenage children, but teenagers don't listen very well. Teenagers use smartphones to talk to their friends or other things like this and they use smartphones very openly.

 The problem with smart phone addiction is that it can lead to poor eyesight, turtle neck, causing inflammation of the immune system or sinusitis. It can also cause a herniated cervical [lumbar] disc. The possibility of traffic accidents increases because of the lack of visibility. Also, smartphone addiction can lead to alienation from family members and friends. Furthermore, it increases the likelihood of personal information leaks.

 In order to combat the problems of smartphone usage and assist these smart phone addicts, one must first recognize themselves, visit a psychological center operated by the government, or pay attention elsewhere.Nowadays, it is also one way to use smart phone addiction prevention applications.


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