The World‘s Largest Battery대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-07-26 12:04:12

Billionaire Elon Musk’s company, Tesla announced to build the world’s largest lithium ion battery in South Australia on July 7th with Neoen. Elon Musk declared “In a way, you can think of earth like a giant satellite. And it’s entirely powered by solar energy and battery. So, just as you can power a big satellite purely with solar and a battery, you can power earth purely with solar and a battery. Earth is a giant satellite.” He thought of inventing it because he wants to solve South Australia’s power problems.

Earlier this year, a series of extreme weather events and equipment failures led to a series of blackouts. So, Elon Musk has made a plan to fix that problem by inventing a 100-megawatts battery. It is three times larger than the current largest battery and is estimated to power about 30,000 homes. The battery will be used during peak hours and be charged during other times using the Hornsdale wind farm. Though there are many benefits to the installation of the battery, there are many risks as well. Mr. Musk said that it is because this will be the largest battery installation in the world by a significant margin”. However, he additionally claimed that he can solve South Australia’s power crisis with this installation.

Together, the South Australian government, Neoen and Tesla will demonstrate that renewable energy can provide dependable and distributable power that will turn a new page in Australia’s energy future.


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