Facebook is Now Helping Us대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-08-16 16:07:47

I.T Powerhouse, America with Facebook which has an average of Five new profiles made every day, has plans. Facebook decided to help Korean SMEs which stands for "Small and Medium sized Enterprises" as a sort of a project.

▲ Facebooks logo
Facebook Trade Investment Program Agency or Kotra had launched a new project called "Made by Korea" to hope SMEs to go abroad. The launched project ceremony took place on Wednesday at Kotra's headquarters in Seocho District. Kotra's CEO, Kim Jae-hong, vice president of Facebook for Asia Pacific region, attended this ceremony too. Fifty percent increase in the proportion of small and medium- sized enterprises exports has the effect of expanding more than one million jobs", he said. "We expect this program to provide a good oppertunity for domestic innovation start-ups and SMEs to grow as export companies"

The Social Media Company, Facebook offers them a lot of tutorials for marketing including strategies and practices like real life situations for online platforms like Facebook and Instagram. This is Facebook's first program like this to help SMEs as a project.Before this program, in March, 57 SMEs were selected by Facebook-Kotra to run a test, but to some people, it was meaningful.

For example, Joamom , an online shopping site catering to expectant mothers, saw the rise of global sales for 20 percent from last year after it started marketing in U.S. and Asian markets through Facebook. Now "Made by Korea" project has three eight week sessions planned for this year with an expected about 400 companies.

Dan Neary, vice president of Facebook for the Asia-Pacific region stated that "We give them the engagement tools that are going to help them successful. "This was said at the "Made by Korea" program launch at Kotra's Headquarters. Also, Kotra's CEO, KIm Jae-Hong, said that "Our task at the moment is to reform the export structure by diversifying the companies that export and the products that are sold abroad "We hope the new program will contribute to this initiative.

More and more Korean SMEs will be made, but with the new project, companies will have more possibilities to stretch overseas.

▲ Dan Neary`s speech


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