Controversy over Abolishing Special-purpose High School and Autonomous Private High School대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
Controversy over Abolishing Special-purpose High School and Autonomous Private High School - About argument that special-purpose high school and autonomous private high school can be abolished,… - confusion.
  • 기사등록 2017-08-11 18:40:43


 In front of Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education, a number of student parents are gathered. They are holding placard and pickets with a statement of "Do not abolish special-purpose high school and autonomous private high school." They all look grim and confusing. After Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education announced that special-purpose high schools and autonomous private high schools would be abolished, many parents are now in confusion because of changing education systems.

 Under the progressive new administration, the elite institutions are about to face obstacles ahead, as President Moon tries to realize equality by abolishing those special high schools. Also, Cho Hxee-yeon, Seoul Education Superintendent, told in an interview with a news agency, "The current education system of private high schools has deviated from the initial purpose creating diversity and autonomy in education to providing training designed to enter elite universities. Some people welcomed this decision and others did not.

 People who agree to abolish these schools claim that keeping them would obstruct the development of public education, hinder hierarchical merging, sequence schools, and not respect the right of school choice. A student parent said "Nothing could be more respected than equality. It is unfair for private high schools to get more chance for better education." There was other people who keep special-purpose or autonomous private high schools. They claim that keeping those schools would help making academic atmosphere, growing autonomy of private schools, and supplementing standardizing downward.
 The student parents in front of Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education and other parents look worried about their boys or girls' future. Keen competitions are laid ahead of the boys and girls, and their parents try to help them to overcome the competitions.


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