Hotel Shilla Giving off its Charm in the Hong Kong Tourism Expo대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-07-31 12:11:27

 Hoel Shilla, which is planning to open its duty-free shops in Hong Kong this year, attended the Tourism Expo in Hong Kong to promote its charm and let people about know about the Korean tourism industry.

'Tourism Expo in Hong Kong' is a annually held fair since 1986, which is held by 'TXS Exhibition'.

 From June 15 to 18, Hotel Shilla attended 'International Travel Expo Hong Kong' at Jong Kong Convention & Invention Center. It reports its plans to build high quality duty-free shops and hotels as well as charm of Korean tourism industry.

 Around 100,000 people attended this fair including tourists around the world and authorities in the tourist industry. Hotel Shilla succeeded in promoting it own business and getting positive responses from participants. It also received attention by introducing its large photozone there and a lot of other events.

 Last year, the benifit of Hotel Shilla was the hightest record among all the domestic duty-free business organization. It currently operates duty-free shops at Singapore's Changi Airport and Incheon International Airport, west of South Korea's Seoul. "Moody Report", who is expert on the global duty-free industry said, "Hotel Shilla has changed the industry of duty-free market completely", showing positive reaction of its result before. The company has been expected to responses to the acclaim.


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