Korean‘s have the lowest hourly wage대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-08-04 11:37:05

The Korean president Moon Jae In proposed the price of the minimum hourly wage to increase to 7530won in 2018. The percentage of improvement is 16.4%. It is the first double digit increase for 11years. As a result, the monthly wage which is to contain paid holiday will be 1.51 million won. If a boss violates this wage , there will be a penalty of up to three years or fines up to 20 million won. People who are the applicable targets are all businesses that employ more than one worker. Many workers are happy about this news. They would get more money so they can do what they want to do.

The improvement of the lowest hourly wage.

▲ Manless order system.

 However, this is sad for shopkeepers. Also it can be bad news for workers. Convenience stores are have the largest number oft franchises in Korea. A shopkeeper such as a convenience store keeper will get lower incoming profits if there are no inflation of prices. According to the statistics office, there are 68.2% of workers who get less than the minimum wage. It’s because in convenience stores, they employ more than five people on average. Actually a lot of convenience store bosses do struggle. A Hanwha Investment & Securities research institute said “Store owners will not run the convenience store in return for earning less money than their peers.“. If inflation does not increase, lots of convenience stores and other stores like restaurants would install a manless order system. These days, we can see the manless order system. When Korea arrives at 2018, it can be hard to find places where people take orders. It will take people's jobs. Than what can people do?

 There are alot of good things and bad thing about increasing the minimum hourly wage. There are smiling people or sad people. We can solve it and we can adapt to these situations. People have always been adapting and overcoming problems about wages. At this time people would overcome well too.

by Park Tae Yeon


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