Spain terrorist attack대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-08-22 12:58:36

▲ People are helping a gotten hurt person with police

August 17th about 5’o clock(by local time) in Las Ramblas street, Barcelona, Spain, one white van rushed to people suddenly. The people who saw or got damage in this situation fell into deep shock and fear. Then, IS (Islam state) defined that the terror is their act through a media advertisement. Then, why the terror happen in Spain where it was known as safety zone of terrorism for 13 years?

The Las Ramblas street which happened terror is known to many people and it is very famous tourist attraction in Barcelona. Also, as mentioned early, Spain is safety zone of terror for 13years. Because of these thing, many experts guess that terrorist group aimed tourists who were at famous attraction in an unguarded moment. Also, there are many victims of this terrorism. 13 people died and over 100 people were injured hurt. Among this 80, about half suffer serious injury. So, it is estimated to increase the number of deaths. Also, many countries tourists were hurt and died.

▲ Person is cherishing the memory of a deceased victims

 We can find this terror’s background more specifically by going over terrorist group’s past behavior and statements. In fact, before 13 years in Spain, there were terrible terrorism that made horrible damage of human life. The terror is called ‘Train bomb terrorism’ that extremist group installed bomb in a train which go to Madrid. Because of this terror, 191 of people died and about 2000 of people hurted seriously.

 As the terror happen in Spain that people thought to safe terror, all of people and government are shaking with anxiety and present better plan to avoid anxiety of terror. Also, many spanish and tourist are cherishing the memory of a deceased person.

On August 19th by 이세은 기자


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