Dangerous Eggs대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-08-29 10:54:13

▲ Eggs containing pesticides are being discarded.

Recently, we have been shocked by the fact that we have detected pesticides in our eggs. The government conducted an investigation into the affected eggs, and 52 of them were found to be unfit for consumption due to pesticides. How could pesticides be found in the diet of human beings?

First of all, they sprayed insecticide on chickens to get rid of mites. The farms are mainly aimed at producing eggs, so chickens grow in very narrow spaces and lay eggs. Usually ordinary chickens can roll or peck in the sand when they get a tick, but they can't do it in a narrow space. If there is a tick, the chickens get ill like AI, so farmers sprayed with insecticide to prevent it from happening.

Another problem was that the administration's oversight was poor. The eggs we eat have been tested in two stages, but only confirmed that they did not properly verify the authenticity of the second test. Some analyzed that the tests were examined only by samples, not inspecting the entire household.

So what kind of pesticides were found? Among the 52 farmers who have tested positive. Pesticides that were found to be the most abundant were Pyronyl, and also, Ettolosol and Fluorosulphus. The symptoms as a result of the exposure to Pyronyl is dizziness, vomiting, abdominal pain, headaches, and severe damage to the internal organs such as kidneys.

▲ Even in large supermarkets, they posted a notice announcing the sale of eggs.

Although the harmful effects of pesticides are also known to be serious, there are many people who suffer from real damage. Many restaurants that use eggs were severely damaged economically by using eggs, and large franchise bakeries posted announcements to guests. In addition, various convenience stores and large supermarkets have been in a serious situation that has stopped the sale of eggs. An employee who works in a small bakery said, " I've been hit by an egg crisis. ", " We are afraid we can't do what we are supposed to do. "

Since many people have had problems with the eggs they believe, the government's countermeasures and management will be important. Also, it will be necessary to improve the environment of chickens breeding and strive for reliable food.


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