Be careful when you traveling on a lawn대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-08-31 10:55:33
  • 수정 2017-09-11 22:16:29

These days many poeple are going to travel on summer vacation to get a rest. However because of that hot weather many people go to swimming or camping at a camping ground. But the most camping ground are based on turf bound, so there are danger of tick borne.

▲ picture of tick borne

The 24 year old man died from a tick borne diease at July 30 2017. He had been working at a livestock of South Chungcheong who a Nepalese worker. The government has reported the illness on this year 14 people had that diease and five of them died. The number of people infected at this tick borne disease was 36 in 2014, 55 in 2014, 79 in 2015 and 79 in 2016. And with the death toll reaching 17 in 2013, 16 in 2014, 21 in 2015 and 19 in 2016.

▲ danger of sit on lawn

The way to diagnosed this diesase people who had severe fever and thrombocytopenia syndrome, or SFTS. To protect this diesase you need to exposure your skin at least. And don't seat at a lawn, wash your body clean after you went at mountain or park. Even if when you go with your pet, you need to wash your pet clean too. Finally you need to wash your mat and tizzar them.

There is no medicine to treat the disease. So it has the one solution that we had be careful to aviod being bitten by ticks. The child and the old and the infilrm had most cautious about this. Tick borne has high fatality rate, if you bitten bv them you need to go hospital as soon as possible. It is one of the dangerous disease. Have a safety summer vacation this year.


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