The sanitary cup대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-09-01 12:09:32
  • 수정 2017-09-13 21:28:03

A sanitary cup is a alternative to the sanitary pad that is inserted into a human body and receives blood. Simply put, it is a female product which is used instead of the sanitary pads. The reason why the sanitary cup was not used in Korea was because it was illegal in Korea. The Food and Drug Administration said ‘The sanitary cup has not made a fatal problem in the, but it is not safe to do so.’ They refused to sell formal revenues and manufacturing products. The sanitary pad has now been replace since early 2017. The ‘Sanitary Cup’ has been put forward to the public.

The biggest difference between the sanitary cup and the sanitary pad is that it inserts inside the body. Perhaps most Korean women fear that they insert something into their body. The sanitary cup was invented in the 1930s and gained huge popularity in the Western Hemisphere since the 1980s, but has yet to be officially bought domestically. Fortunately, a prospective from the Food and Drug Administration said that the pre-qualifying process will be completed in advance of the current permit, allowing for approval sometime in October.

The price of a sanitary cup can range from $ 2 to $ 60, usually between $ 20 and $ 30. Each cup also has its own size. To measure your own size, you must measure the height of your uterus. Measuring the length of the uterus should be measured by the middle finger directly in the period of menstruation. During periods of menstruation, the menstrual period must extend the uterus. Moreover, it is important to find a suitable period cup for yourself, considering its capacity.

3 Typical Ways to Insert a Sanity Cup

It is important to keep your hands clean whenever you insert or remove a sanitary cup. There are three main ways to wear the sanitary cup. It is commonly used as a representative of the C-Ford, Seven Fold, and Punch-Down. When draining the cup, grasp the tail of the sanitary cup and gently press the bottom and squeeze and twist to pull it down smoothly.

The biggest drawback of the sanitary cup is that it needs an adjustment period. Some women say it is hard to get rid of them. Sometimes some women complain of pelvic pain. In addition, it can be used to color them. It is also likely that it will not fit into the body of Korean women who purchase only one or two cups because they are different sizes. Therefore, it is advisable to check that the sanitary cups are fit for them or to stop using them if they are not.

On the other hand, the biggest advantage of the use is that it is surprisingly comfortable with the sanitary cups. Because the sanitary pads can leak blood if they move violently, the sanitary cups do not leak well. Also, sanitary cups can spend the day without having to replace them. Of course, it is said that the amount of time to go to the sanitary cups is about eight hours. It can also be freed from the skin rashes caused by sanitary pads and freed from the odor caused by secretions. Some women have seen the decrease in menstrual cramps using sanitary cups. Also, the advantage is that it can be used continuously. Moreover, the sanitary cup is semi-permanent, so it is environmentally friendly and financially beneficial.


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