South Korean students fall by 167,000 this year대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-09-11 13:50:58

▲ It is graph that explain the reduction of the number of students and teachers.

 Recently, the problem of low birth rate is too serious. As time goes by, the number of students is decreasing. South Korea saw 2.5 percent on-year drop in the number of students enrolled in kindergarten, elementary, middle and high schools last year. Since the problem is too severe, the government should do one's endeavor to solve low birth rate.

 20 years ago, there were too many students in class. There were 50 students in one class. However, because of low birth rate, there usually were 25 students in class nowadays. Middle school declined for 5.2 percent. Also, high school students declined for 4.7 percent, compared to the previous year's survey. Because of the fall in the number of students, the number of teachers fell to 0.4 percent in middle schools and 0.5 percent in high schools.

 Likewise, low birth rate is too serious today. Recently, the reason why people do not give birth to a child is because of financial burden. A child's childcare expenditure and educational expenses are too much. Then, there are two solutions.

▲ This is low birth`s solution ranking that people wanted.

 The first solution is that government should help to reduce the parents financial burden. For example, the government supports childcare expenditure and educational expenses. Second, the government should prepare facilities and surroundings that parents are able to be at ease and raise their children. If the government makes a greater effort, this problem will gradually be solved. Because of low birth rate's seriousness, we should exert effort to solve this problem. If low birth rate is severe, there will be low people to work in the company. Then, the society will have less development possibility. It will be a burden, and it will be hard if this problem continues. Before the situation degenerates, we should solve this problem rapidly. If the government carries out two solutions to solve this problem, we can gradually solve it.

Sep 9th, by 전성건


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