The Korean Studetns Hard Life with Hagwon대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-09-20 16:57:51

▲ The street full of Hagwons.

 Good education leads to a good job, a beautiful marriage and a better life. Most of Korean people said that an academic clique was very important. Also, our society has some prejudices about person's academic background. This makes it important to a person who graduated from high class of universities.

 In this, all students want to go to a better university than others. They want to get high score in their test. For these reasons, students who enrolled in many classes for their score. 

▲ The Hagwon which is a private ecademy.

 The Hagwon is a private academy where professional instructors have a lesson to students. In South Korea, all students have to take the college scholastic ability test, and it is a last chance to make a score for entering their aims in college.

 Students want magic bullets because they are already exhuasted about their long, winding, and never ending itineraries. For their nice ending through magic bullets, most of students are spending their time in Hagwon. "My friends have gone to various Hagwons from young ages. They spent thier entire youth in this town doind pre-studies," one student said.

▲ A instructor teaching students.

 Also, this situation makes a new Hagwon industry. Parents want their child to enter in a better college than others, so they invest marvelous money to their child's lessons. "The Hagwon started forming like mushrooms, first with large ones followed by smaller ones," owner of Shinsegae Real Estate Agancy said in an interview.

 In this process, competent lecturers call their tuition fee more and more. The top lecturers earn about millions of dollars a year with their online of offline classes and teaching method. Some students said that there are many courses to take, and each one costs 300 dollars a month.

 It means the gap in education follows the gap between the rich and the poor. The private education leads a lot of disadvantages in our society. 

 In South Korea, studetns must score high on the nationwide college scholastic ability test held in November each year, known as Suneung. Students enrolled in many Hagwons for high score in Suneung and their temperate life. With this, Hagwon increases rapidly. For students, these magic bullet Hagwons are a road to serfdom as well as future freedom.


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