A Small Europe in Asia, Macao대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-09-20 16:53:15

 Macao that is located in the south of Guangdong, China is called ‘A small Europe in Asia’ and ‘Las Vegas in Asia’. So, many people and many families who want or need a rest and visit this place. Also, a lot of gourmets highly praise about Macao foods. Why does Macao receives such praises and why many people so into about Macao?

As mentioned earlier, many gourmets highly praise about foods in Macao. Since there are many delicious and wonderful foods in Macao. Such as Xiaolongbao which similar dimsum and this food is famous by unusual eating way, egg tarte that typical famous food in cookie whish can watch many market, Guangdong food that con tain dumpling, Dimsum and so on, butter cookies which is called drug cookie(highly addictive cookie) and so on. Also, all of these Macao food are influenced by Portugal. So, you can enjoy a lot of foods in various style.

▲ Famous attraction in Macao

 In Macao, there are famous attraction spots. Firstly, in Macao tower people can experience various experiences like bungee jump, sky walk, tower climbing. Secondly, senado square which Macao’s pivot of center. Also, there are a lot of European style’s building and design. In the ruins of St. Paul’s and Igreja de S. Domingos, you can feel Macao’s culture and sentiment, ‘House of dancing water’ which is that most famous water show in Macao. This concert grabs people’s attention as they make amazing and dizzy water performance. Lastly, in the Venezia hotel which is famous hotel in Macao, you can watch small Italy with riding gondola.

If you want to blow your daliy grind and need healing or rest, visit a small Europe in Asia, Macao with people that you like!


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