The future careers대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-09-20 16:52:25
  • 수정 2017-10-17 22:03:14

Most of people earn money by jobs. There are a lot of kinds of jobs in different areas. But in next 20 years, a lot of things with careers and jobs will change due to the changes and developments of the world’s technology and society. Some jobs will disappear, some jobs might survive and most of all, there will be a lot of new jobs.

What people call ‘future careers’ means developing jobs of the present. Because the technology is improving, the jobs that involve science/technology will be developed. This had happened a lot and it is still happening. To give some examples of the future careers, there are nano-medic, space guide and classroom managers. Nano-medic is something developed from micrometers, like scientists knowing about nano-meters or maybe going even further than that. That means there will be ‘nanoscopes’ instead of microscopes. Space guide is a job that guides the space tourists, which means people will build some kind of city in space and there will be people who can go there if they want to. Classroom managers are the future version of teachers. A.I (artificial intelligence) will do all the work of teaching students and teachers will be managing A.I and the machines. So these are some of the future careers that don’t exist right now.

It is known that 47% of the present jobs will disappear in next 20 years. It’s due the development of machines and technology that will replace the jobs. An easy one to guess in this case is doctor. So many medical machines are getting invented. Those machines don't make mistakes and accurate so they can do precise works that is difficult for human to do. Another easy one to guess is teacher. Just like it was mentioned before, A.I’s abilities surpass humans and they can teach students instead. The one last thing that is important about this is security guards. Those guards will not be needed because in the future, there will be iris recognition system, which is authorizing with a iris sensor. It censors a person’s iris and indicates who it is. This is kind of like the invention we saw in the movie . So these three jobs are good demonstrations of the 47% of the jobs that will disappear in the next 20 years.

There will be some jobs that will survive through technology developments. Most of them involve art because technology cannot do anything in art. So jobs like designer, artist, writer, musician and constructor will still exist in the future. Also, technology cannot handle sports so sports players and athletes will still exist in the future as well. So as you can see, the technology development significantly changes the jobs. This deletes some jobs and make new jobs appear. The world will change so much with the jobs.


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