Brutal attack of middle school students대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-09-20 16:51:18

▲ violence

 In September 1, this incident happened in Busan. Victim student and bystanders are 15 years old.And perpetrators are 16 years old. This incident is not the first assault that perpetrators made. 

 In June 29, five classmates lured and they assaulted the victim. Because victim student answered a call phone from the classmates' boyfriend. Two moth later, the place changed and strength was powerful than before. The classmates asked perpetrators to attack the victim student. Since the victim student reported to the police when the first attack was happened. The classmates standed by and perpetrators attacked the victim with iron pipe and chair. Fortunately, she was found by a person who was passing by at that time. Now, the victim is staying in a hospital. 

 After the violation, perpetrators took a picture that the victim student kneeled down. By sending the picture to other students, they shared messages. But the receiver captured the message and spread it on SNS.

 One of the assailant name Yoomi Jung(16) posted on the SNS about apologizing her violation. And the perpetrators' parents posted also. So this incident was known to many peoople.

 So the perpetrators of this incident will now receive punishment. But in Korea, we have 'Juvenile law". Juvenile law is divided into three main categories.

 First, a youth below 10 years old cannot be punished according to the law. Second, teenagers who are between 10 to 14 years old are subjected to protective disposition which means that they are required to volunteer, and receive probation. Third, 14 to 18 years old can receive criminal punishment . Since the two assailants are 16 years old, according to this law, they can receive criminal punishment.

Special concern of the government and police regarding school violence is signifaicantly needed.


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