The shock of insecticide egg대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-09-20 16:47:54

 Do you know what is the insecticide egg? This egg have harmful ingredient. Why this ingredient is in this egg? People sprayed insecticide to chicken. And this insecticide that has harmful ingredient went into the chicken’s blood vessel.

 Korean government said even though you eat insecticide that has 5 harmful ingredient (Piphronyl, Bifentrin, Flupenson, Ettonyl ,Pipidone Pipine) it doesn’t danger your health. Also Korea Environmental Health Sciences Association said 5 ingredient in insecticide can be discharged fastly. So don’t have to worry about acute toxicity. Also, we have to watch and research in a long time about the research thesis. But the netizens said “It's amazing that wholesale prices are 500 won. Six thousand won in the supermarket or in the big neighborhood? The price difference is huge. News and neighborhood markets seem to be separated. What is this?”

The government made a policy that will start in October we will use new rule and produce eggs. Also we will check usually and educate managers to block unsuited egg. The government is checking all over country’s poultry farm. Also we are helping costumers through the site .

Many news deal about that this event. They always say this results is from government’s none check. Also government’s opinion is very unpredictable. One news company always deal Q&A about this event.

 Finally, many consumers are is very be careful about eating insecticide egg. because if we eat that egg we can endanger. Also if baby eat this eggs baby can die. we have to be careful in this year and we have to know about eggs that we buy.


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