North Korea Executed Nuclear Test Again대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-09-20 16:42:47

▲ North Korea progressed nuclear test

 North Korea progressed 6th nuclear weapon test in September 3. It’s scale was 5.7 and this is three times more powerful than atom bomb dropped in Hiroshima in 1945.

A nuclear bomb is divided for hydrogen bomb and atomic bomb in large parts. But explosive power of hydrogen bomb is much more powerful than Atomic bomb. It has thousand of times destructive force. Most of country evaluate that this 6th experience is hydrogen bomb. 5th experience in last year was Amplified fission bomb, intermediate phase between atomic and hydrogen bomb. Compared to last 5th experience and 6th experience, North Korea’s provocation of nuclear gives threat to many countries.

▲ Comparison of North Korea`s First to Five Nuclear Test

 Korean government is presented few counter plan for this North Korea’s 6th nuclear weapon experience. First, President Moon ordered to assign THAAD additionally to deterrent against missiles. Also, on phone call with President Moon and President Trump discussed about buying weapon from America. Second, government abolished weight limit of missiles. If the weight limit increases to more than one ton of weight, the force of the enemy’s military facility increases dramatically.

 In United Nations Security Council, a press statement condemning North Korea’s missile launches has been adopted for unanimity included Russia and China. Now, North Korea is ready to launch propellant and unclear warheads to threat America. There is a growing interest in what the United States will do about North Korea’s threat.


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