Bus driver neglience대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-10-11 11:06:57

▲ The bus driver left 7 years old child alone

The bus driver left 7 years old child alone.

On the afternoon of September 11th, there was an online posting on the Internet bulletin of the Bus Transport Service in Seoul. According to the posting, a mother was riding a bus with her daughter. 

she tried to get off at a bus stop. Her daughter was able to get off the Kunkuk University bus stop but the mother couldn't. She said "please open the door" but the driver ignored her and the bus left. The bus stopped at the next bus stop. The woman ran and was able to find her daughter She was very angry. 

This story is very controversial at the portal site. Many people blamed the bus driver. The bus driver felt this was unfair and he explained the situation about her daughter. He knew that situation 10 seconds later and the bus had already entered the second lane so he couldn't stop the bus. He decided to stop the bus at the next station. The bus driver and his daughter took the event very hard.

▲ The situation with CCTV

Some people who were in the bus said the bus driver ignored the woman and other people said he did not ignored her. Many netizens said the mother was to blame only the mother blamed the bus driver and she didn't think it was her fault. The bus driver and the mother are both at fault. It is important to conduct education from this situation rather than punish it. They said this should never happen again.

The police surveyed the situation with CCTV. The police decision was that the bus driver had to act in that situation but the woman’s daughter got off the bus herself before the door closed. so the victim has misjudgment as well. Finally, the woman understood the driver and apologized to him. She requested that the media don't write their names in the article and the news. Both parties are at fault. It can only be hoped lessons are learned so possible tragedies are prevented.


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