The Coming College Scholastic Ability Test 대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-11-14 18:28:03

On October 23rd, in Cheongwoon, Yangpeong, South Korea, a troop of people gathered in front of Cheongwoon high school. They gave high school seniors energy bars named "Power Brain Bar" to encourage examinees for the College Scholastic Ability Test. Jeong Ji-beom, head of a township said, "We prepared these in the hope that each examinee would be able to relax and become energetic." Receiving the bars, some of the students look happy to get surprised snacks.
The College Scholastic Ability Test is an entrance exam system to normalize high school education centered on university entrance examinations. CSAT plays an important role in the Education in South Korea. It is commonly believed that it will determine which university the students will enter. It is even described as 'the chance to make or break one's future.
Since CSAT is a very important exam, many examinees overstrain themselves. To help them to relieve tension, many people encourage them by giving them some snacks, or making placards with words of encouragement. Even some celebrities post about this. In an interview, a student said, " I think that it helps a lot to pluck up our spirit. Actually, we, CSAT examinees need someone to raise up our feeling."
The coming College Scholastic Ability Test will be held on November 9th. In this situation, students feel the need of some people encouraging themselves. Therefore, there is a lot of encouraging events like Cheongwoon town's event. All people, not only examinees but also others really hope all examinees can overcome this preparation period and its tension well.


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