California Covered With Fire대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-11-03 19:01:04

The outbreak of a wildfire in the north of the country devastated the northern half of California,

burning houses and farm sites and causing massive casualties. The American media reported that the the

blaze spread to 17 places, twice the previous day. There were 17 confirmed deaths and hundreds wounded. Since 180 people are missing, there is likely to be a significant increase in human casualties. About 8,400

homes including buildings were burned down and 20,000 people evacuated.

▲ Enormous wildfire covered California

More than 200 square km of severe damage has occurred in the Napa and Sonoma counties.

In one burning house, gas canisters exploded and created a scene reminiscent of a battlefield.

The San Francisco Padres were also covered with black smoke. It was the 'Diablo' (Devil) of the region that raised the spark of fire in the area. The forecast said the strong wind would die down, but also will rise

again. The main reason for the fire is the fact that the land in California is very dry.

▲ Smoke from the Pier Fire in Northern California

Officials said about 5,000 firefighters remain on the lines, battling 10 different fires across Northern California. There were people screaming, running and hiding. There was the fire in California last year as well.

The cause of raging Northern California fires remains unknown and under investigation.


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