Trial of century, Lee - Jae - Yong is found guity대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-11-03 19:02:26

  On August 25th, Lee - Jae - Yong's was held out a court in Seoul.  Lee - Jae - Yong was put on trial for four counts of bribery. The court acknowledged that he gave the Korea Horse Racing Association 9.2 billion wib and 16 billion won to the gifted athlete center.

▲ Lee - Jae - Yong

But  Lee - Jae - Yong testified that former President Park was furious because Samsung did not supprt the Korea Horse Racing Association.

Fomer President Park threated to fine two Samsung exectives in the Horse Racing Association.

Lee - Jae - Yong simply sent some funds so the two exectives would not get fired.

  But the Court of Justice refuted supplied to the Korea Horse Racing Association is support to EX-President Park gift.

The Court of Justice admited that 204 billion had been paid from Samsung to Mir - K - Sport - Foundation and that is not illegal.

▲ Lee - Jae - Yong

Finally the prosecuter demanded that Lee - Jae - Yong be sentenced to 12years in prison.

The Court of Justice ulimately gave a five year sentence for Lee - Jae - Yong.


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