Internet addiction대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-11-06 16:39:38

After smartphones came out, teenagers get addicted to internet. Because of this, many people are trying to stop making more teens that is addicted to internet, and trying to cure them. There are many problems of internet addiction, and there also many efforts for it.

First, for the problems, there are three major problems, and it is damage to substantia alba, gambling addiction, can be addicted to heavy drinking and smoking. Because internet gives many defects to the brain, the substantia alba becomes damaged. But it has relation with expression, cognitive skill, decision, attention. Also, when these get down, it can lead to commit suicide and depression. Next, because there are so many gambling sites, teens get into gambling addiction, and now 1% of teens in Korea is addicted to gambling.

▲ Gambling is being a serious problem

But, there is no solutions for this. Finally, it can lead to addiction to heavy drinking and smoking. Because 10% of Korea's teens are internet addicted, And because of this, there can be some abuse, aggressive operations. And after they grew up, a high percentage of teens did drinking or smoking.

▲ A picture of a cigarette

Now there will be some solutions for this. In Daegu, they opened a camp for internet addicts. In there, they do counsels, many teen activities, art, etc. And also, a lot of people do internet addiction preventive education in schools. And also, the professionals say that the parents have to catch the strange parts of the child related to internet. Also, it is better to talk about it with the child than just restricting it. And with the problems of gambling and bad things in the internet, the police are widening their surveillance. And finally, the parents should get out of addiction because then the child will think in the unconscious that they should try to fix the addiction and try to do less internet.

▲ symptoms of smartphone addiction

Internet became an essential thing in our lives. We do everything with the internet, even things related to money. But we should try to do less internet and only do internet when it is essential and try not to do it for entertainment.

Oct. 29th by 이창엽


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