58 dead, 546 injured in Las Vegas shooting대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-11-06 17:10:07

On October 1st, the deadliest mass shooting in history occurred in Las Vegas. Stephen Paddock, aged 64, is one of the oldest mass shooters in the U.S.

He fired from the Mandalay Bay hotel at the route 91 Harvest country music festival, where the country music star Jason Aldean performed.

Stephen Paddock killed 58 and injured 546 people with illegally modified automatic rifles and semi-automatic rifles with bump stocks. In his hotel room, there were 23 weapons with 1600 rounds of ammunition, and in his car were few explosives.

He also had high capacity magazines that could hold up to 100 rounds. After firing for ten minutes into the crowd, Stephen Paddock committed suicide with a self-inflicted gun wound.

Stephen Paddock was a retired accountant who had no criminal record. To his neighbors, he was just the average retired man who was not seen too often. According to his brother, Eric Paddock, the last time he talked with Stephen Paddock was when he asked how their 90-year-old mother was doing. Like everyone else, Eric Paddock was puzzled why would his brother have done such a thing and said, "Something went incredibly wrong with my brother.". Stephen Paddock's father, Benjamin Hoskins Paddock was a bank robber who ran an illegal bingo parlor and tried to make his own church. Having committed his first crime when he was 19, he was on the FBI most wanted list until 1977.

FBI agents have scrutinized Benjamin Paddock's criminal past in hopes of finding a key to solve why Stephen Paddock committed this mass shooting.

For the deadliest mass shooter in U.S history, investigators are still not sure of the motives of this crime. Stephen Paddock's girlfriend, Marilou Danley also stated she had no idea that he was planning to use violence against people, and he had been acting as he always did. The clear motives are still unknown, but the shooting shed light on gun control laws and brought about arguments on gun control.


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