Discontinuance Ratio of Learning in Seoul Recorded over One Percent대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-01-29 14:17:16

According to the Ministry of Education, two in three Korean elementary school students who studied abroad are from the capital area. Moreover, discontinuance ratio of learning in elementary school in Seoul was recorded over one percent only. In Incheon, the discontinuance ratio of elementary, middle and high school students is 1.1 percent because of diseases, going abroad and maladjustment. This province also recorded high percent of unaccepted students overseas. In the middle school, 220 students stopped studying because of an admission overseas. In elementary school, 36 percent of stopped learning in elementary school is also because of it.

▲ Percentage of why we need to study abroad

The number of all elementary school students is about two million six hundred and seventy thousand. Also, the number of students who stopped studying due to unacceptance overseas is about three thousand. The difference between admitted overseas and unadmitted students overseas is due to parent's occupation. When someone goes abroad because of parent's employment of sending students to other countries, we call this 'admitted overseas.' On the contrary to this, when someone goes overseas irrespective to parent's occupation, this is called ' unadmitted overseas.'
The number of students going overseas who are not accepted in Seoul is the largest, which is one thousand one hundred recording over one percent of discontinuance ratio, following Gyeounggi-do Province which is about one thousand. Next, Sejong recorded 0.84 percent, and Daejon was 0.71 percent. About 70 percent of unaccepted students overseas in elementary is from large cities like Seoul and Gyeonggi. This is because about 43 percent of elementary students in all regions are concentrated in the capital. The rate of those who are going overseas in the capital has markedly a very high numerical value.

▲ A member of the legislative body who said that Elementary and Secondary Education Act is regulating all citizens to go to elementary and middle school from start until graduation.

A member of the legislative body said that Elementary and Secondary Education Act is regulating all citizens to go to elementary and middle school from start until graduation. As a rule, studying abroad for elementary and middle students are not accepted. Also, he said that we need to modify the rules about going overseas by corresponding with actualities.

November 18th, by Kim Jiyou


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