Students having less sleep and getting serious problems대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-12-20 14:57:10

▲ This graph shows Korea has a very low average of sleeping time

Even it is 11:00 pm, we can hear noises of teachers and students in many academies. When the classes are over and the students come home, it is 1 am. But, they have to go to school next morning, so they cannot get enough sleep. And when this vicious circle repeats, they will have lots of trouble because of sleep. Today, I will tell you about the defects when having less sleep and the solutions to cut the vicious circle.

First, the defects of less sleep so much, so I will only tell you the important defects of less sleep. To start with, lack of sleep makes you stupid. Have you experienced headache and hearing after lack of sleep? If you did not, do not you forget something easily? Because of these symptoms, your concentration will low than your usual condition. Also, you can be obese more easily than those who sleep well. When you sleep, a chemical substance called leptin comes out. It suppresses

cell restoration and appetite, and makes higher metabolic rate. Because of this, it is said that the percentage that people having less sleep being obese is 30% higher than those who have enough sleep. 

▲ This graph shows the relationship with sleeping time and mental health

Next, there can be problems with your lifespan. If you don't sleep well, your hazard about death will be higher. There was an investigation about the death rate of government employees related to sleep, and the result was shocking. Those who sleep 5 to 7 hours death rate was twice higher than others. But, when you sleep well enough, sleep optimizes the biological clock and makes balance of the autonomic nerve.

Now, I will tell you the solutions to cut the vicious circle. The professionals say that the three major problems that teenagers cannot get enough sleep is internet, academic reasons, the custom that to succeed, we should sleep less. So, the first solution is to install an app that makes limits of internet, and the second solution is loosening the the school time and the government making academies limit the time of night lessons more earlier. And parents should break the custom from the child, and make the child have more sleep than 7 hours.

Sleep is not a choice. It is essential. It is important for the parents controlling the time that their children using internet, and make them get more sleep. Also, it will be good if there is a campaign for more sleep.

November 26th, 2017 Lee Chang Yeob


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