New Problem with Student Record Assessment System대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-01-12 13:29:09

A woman was under investigation. Her lips were shivering, and her voice was quivering. She said that she just loved her daughter. April 25th, Bundang Police Station arrested a teaching director of a private high school for her forgery of her daughter's student record. She is suspected of fabricating the student record of her daughter who was in the same private school for fourteen section for two years. After this news announced, many people were in long faces and suggested the problem of high ratio of reflecting student record through this event.
In South Korea, when President Lee seized power, that government decided to decrease the reflecting ratio of CSAT but to increase that of the student record. It is because the government thought that curiosity and creativity of students would be decreasing if ranking exams like CSAT continued in this global and verified society. This policy also continued in President Park's ruling time. In the end, now, student record reflecting ratio continuously increases.
When this policy was introduced at first, people felt happy that more people now have opportunities to succeed. They thought that CSAT system was even more unfair because only a few rich people could study in the good circumstance. We have followed the system well for twenty years since 1997, but a new problem is suggested. New introduced system, student record system brought too much corruption to our society. As the system became more important, many authorities wanted their offspring to get superiority about that. So, they started to give bribery, or forge student record.  
The teaching direction's news made many people feel antipathy about the newly introduced system. For using the system for twenty years, other problems are upcoming and people feel the need for the new solution which can cover two problems with the old system and new one.


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