AI Robot, the Future Friend in Our Lives 대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-01-12 13:50:09

Can you imagine the image that you are living with AI robot? Actually, becoming a friend with a robot is not a futuristic thing since it is happening in our society now. The more the AI robot develops, the more people will be interested.

The definition of AI is a branch of computer science and information technology that allows the computer to be capable of doing things and learning how to do and simulate human intelligence. The way that is using is National language processing, expert system, theorem providing and neural net.

AI technology is used for education, game ot even be a commodity that is integrated into gadgets like a smartphone. It is also used in a shopping mall named E-commerce, and it helps the consumer to find the commodity that they want. Moreover, it can help distinction and cure the pine's illness.

AI technology is used in the medical field. They find the patient's name of their illness and prescript to them. Yun Dae-Sung, the head of Gyeongsang University Hospital Cancer Center said, "I think the satisfaction level of patients will rise because their treatments is more granular. Also, I think that result desired by patients will be improved."

Additionally, the AI robot is becoming a friend to the people who live alone, instead of pets. However, some people are wondering it AI technology can give us bad effects, so we will have to use it more carefully in the future.


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