How to Become a Lawyer대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-03-13 14:53:43

What do you want to be in the future? Most people have their future job. Among many jobs, I will introduce the job of a lawyer. To become a lawyer, you should prepare many things such as school entrance, test, and an interview.

▲ Lawyer Go Bum Jun

First, you should enter a law school and studyfour-year course in a college. After graduation, you should enter a Korean law school. In that school, you should study for three years. If you pass the test, you will become a lawyer. 

To be able to enter a law school, you should get a good score in LEET, GPA, and in an a

authorized foreign language test, but some details such as discussion, interview, social activity, volunteer work are different in every school


Mega Law School interviewed Lawyer Go Bum Jun. He said, that he joined a debating club in a univeristy for the interview test and studied related subjects during his law school study. Also, he said that he is working as a coporate lawyer, and his main job is to do a contract review. As the charm of lawyers, he said that a charm of the lawyer is having various experiences. For the interview, he said that we should prepare for the anticipated questions, and in an interview, we should try to grasp the intention of the question. Lastly, he said to everyone, that we are interested in anything, we should go for it with a bold move.

Many people want to become a lawyer. However, I believe we should prepare many things to become a lawyer in a competition rate.

By Kim Hyun Jun


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