The Key of the Industry 4.0대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-03-13 14:54:52
  • 수정 2018-03-13 15:57:35

▲ Computer programming codes

With the digital world, new trends coming, a lot of new jobs are rising. The programmer is one of the jobs rising these days. According to the website, The Balance, programmers are one of the fastest growing and best tech jobs of the future. The work of programmers advances the technologies out in the world.
Programmers are the ones who program and develop applications or software. Programmer's main role is to develop, test, and implement computer programs. But they also help develop a new web-based information system, review programs on a frequent basis and make adjustments as are necessary to ensure proper working of the program, confirm program operation by conducting tests, according to Programmers have other few roles, too. This job wasn't even in the world 60 years ago and now it's taking over the world.

▲ Programmer working hard programming the computer

Then, what do you need to be a programmer? According to the articles of Dawn Rosenberg McKay, You will have a better chance if you earn a bachelor's degree in computer science, mathematics, or information systems. Also, in the table of Dawn Rosenberg McKay, you at least need HS diploma and experiences with computers to be a Computer Support Specialists, but to be a Software developer, you will need HS diploma and would like to have bachelor's degree. You need a lot of skills in order to be a programmer.
Programmers are the ones who combine the world together by developing technologies in the digital world.


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