The Future Job: Patissier대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-03-13 15:45:45

Currently, there is a rising job for the future. It is patissier. It is a job about food for people and animals. People think patissiers make only food for people, but they also make food or snacks for animals. Patissiers are divided in two areas. The first one is to make bread, and the other is to make cookies or cake. They usually make dessert. There are many essential skills to be a patissier. Thus, people who want to be a patissier should know the process and should have skills.

To begin with, people who want to be a patissier should know its process. Real practicing is essential for them. A professor said that "Real practicing is the most important practice for a patissier." Next, they usually go abroad to study for dessert to Europe because it is known as dessert country to people. They can study more about making dessert in other countries. Other famous patissiers said that going to academy to learn more about it is good for patissiers, and they can learn professionalism from their teacher.

Second, a patissier should have a talent is skill for making dessert and should have knowledge. In many universities, they are making many different departments, and one of them is hotel baking department. However, to learn about the theory, they should study English hard. All classes usually teach students with foreign teachers. Also, according to students who are preparing for patissier, they said that if a patissier has more delicate taste and touch, it will be a very good condition for patissier. Also, a patissier should stand long time, so they need healthy body.

Patissiers make various kinds of dessert such as macaroon, blue berry cake, and madeleine. It is not necessary to have good skills of it, you just need passion and many real experiences. It is a rising future job because there will be no enough food in the future, so many jobs about food should grow, and a patissier is one of them.

▲ a famous patissier magazine .naver

▲ students who prepare for a patissier. naver


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