A Way to be an Elementary School Teacher 대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-04-06 13:03:16

Do you know the job which is preferred by most students for the last ten years? Mo

▲ This is the chart of students` desired job for a decade.
st of student's desired job is a teacher. Among school teachers, the elementary school teacher is the most popular job to job applicants. The elementary school teacher is the person who teaches subjects to students in the grades. The basic way to be an elementary school teacher is to go to the four-year-course college of education, to take the teacher certification examination, and to become a teacher.
An interview with an elementary school teacher, teacher Park, is about a way to become a teacher and life of the elementary teacher. He said that he wanted to get a job which corresponds to him and to teach students, so he decided to be an elementary school teacher. He studied hard to go to the college of education and to get a teacher's certificate. He passed the teacher certification examination and was assigned to teach students in the elementary school. Teaching students were not easy. They sometimes made trouble with friends. It was not easy to take care of them. However, he was really pleased in teaching them, so he could endure it at that time. There will be many difficult times while you teach the students, so think of it deeply and decide your job.

▲ This is the current statue of elementary school teacher certification examination.
There are qualifications and details of teacher certification examination to be a teacher. The teacher certification examination needs a teacher's certificate, so he or she should graduate in the College of Education. The teacher's certification examination is divided into two tests. The first test is about the subject, discussion on education, college credits, and the additional score. The second test is about the job interview and teaching demonstration.
The basic way to be an elementary school teacher is to go to the four-year-course college of education and take a teacher certification examination. To take a test, it needs a teacher's certificate. The amount of selection teacher is decreasing, but the competition rate is increasing now.


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