Working as Certified Judicial Scrivener대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-04-06 13:07:53

I would like to tell you about the job of a certified judicial scrivener. First of all, a certified judicial scrivener is a person who can cope with constitution law, commercial law, civil law, family relation enrollment law, civil execution act, commercial registration act, real property registration law, and deposit act. If civil law commits fraud, lawyer has the right to file a lawsuit.

▲ Working as a certified judicial scrivener

Let us talk about how to be a certified judicial scrivener. People say that there is no limit on the level of education, but I believe that is good for me to go to the Department of Law. There are two sets of examination. I would like to talk about the first examination. In the first examination, there are subjects about constitution law, commercial law, civil law, family relation enrollment law, civil execution act, commercial registration act, real property registration law and deposit act. In the first subject, there is constitutional law and commercial law.

▲ Scale of the law

The second subject is about civil law and family relation enrollment law. The third is about civil execution act and commercial registration act. The fourth is about the real property registration law and deposit act. A certified judicial scrivener, Chung San Kim, said he needed about two years to be a certified judicial scrivener. Also, he said that to be a certified judicial scrivener, we need to limit the things we want to do.

There are many things we need to do in order to be a certified judicial scrivener. I hope this writing can be a great help to you.


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