How COVID-19 is affecting our society대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-09-01 15:52:04

COVID-19 crisis has brought much confusion and change to the daily lives of citizens. The prolonged period of COVID-19 has created blind spots for human rights in the ongoing quarantine and discipline, which has led to a growing number of underprivileged people. Rising inequalities of deprived people emphasize the importance of human rights.

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As reported in ChosunNewsPress, Guy Standing, a professor at the University of London, proposed that questions are being raised about the "precariat" class, a combination of "precarious" meaning instability and "proletariat," which creates Marx's socialist revolution. The term is a term for the socially disadvantaged and is drawing more attention as the corona continues to strike the underprivileged. This shows that similar problems are occurring not only in Korea but also around the world. Professor Guy Standing stresses the need for a basic income system for this precariat class. Similar to this idea, Korea is currently actively considering providing stimulus checks to the middle and lower classes in order to resolve the situation.

According to Kyung Hyang Shinmun, over the past seven days, the accumulated number of confirmed cases has reached 1,576, with three digits a day. The quarantine authorities believe this is a crisis that goes beyond the Itaewon club incident, and are considering not only the second but also the third stage of social distancing. The implementation of the second phase of social distancing has led to the situation in which the working class, self-employed, and the vulnerable are severely damaged and not receiving any labor costs.

▲ image by DailyTruth News24

Also, as reported in Daily Truth News24, as an effort to protect the human rights of the socially vulnerable people, the first "Human Rights Relay Discussion for Corona 19 Crisis Response" was held at the Chungcheong Human Rights Association on August 19. Starting with this, the second and third discussions on human rights and women, the disabled, and migrants of the vulnerable will be held on the 31st and the 21st of next month. In addition, various efforts are being made to support the underprivileged such as donation of masks by Vogue Hair to the underprivileged, hand sanitizer donations, side dishes to the underprivileged by Saemaul Women's Association of Yangju.

Amidst all the efforts and ideas to resolve the human rights issues of the underprivileged, it is important for citizens to have an awareness and an active interest in human rights issues.


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