Ulsan‘s Local Community Event대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-07-16 17:06:34

Nowadays, we could rarely see a whale in the ocean. Also, we cannot see a whale near the beach. However, in Jangsaengpo, Ulsan, we can see whales at the Whale Festival. It is the only Whale Festival in South Korea, and 500,00 people visit the festival annually. In the Whale Festival, you can learn a lot of things about whales and can experience many events.

▲ Picture of Whale Festival Parade

In prehistoric age, people who lived in Ulsan did whale hunting. They even drew a rock art about whale hunting, and the became a world heritage. Now, people hold the Whale Festival to introduce the world heritage and Ulsan region's special customs. In the Whale Festival, people open a museum and exhibit whales' fossils. Also, you can learn the history of whale hunting at the museum. You can take a ship and see a whale. Besides, you can join in a campaign about protecting whales and their environment. Furthermore, you can go to a concert and see many famous singers.

Many people visit and have fun at the Whale Festival. In an interview with Mr. Kim, who visited the Whale Festival, he said that he had a great time at the festival. He added that he learned many things about whales, and he experienced many activities. I saw a whale, too. His children also enjoyed the Whale Festival, so he wants to come and enjoy the festival next year. The Whale Festival is not only for adults but also for children and teenagers.

The Whale Festival became the biggest festival in Ulsan. The survey which was proceeded by the Ministry of Culture showed that most of the people who visited the Whale Festival were satisfied with the different events, and the festival, as a whole amazing. Also, it ranked third place among all the festivals in South Korea. People said that they could learn many things about whales at the festival, and they said that the public facility was great.

At the Whale Festival, you can learn about the history of whale hunting and do many activities. Also, you can help save the lives of whales and help maintain their environment. Furthermore, you can heal, relieve stress, and have fun at the festival.

▲ Picture of Whale Festival

By Minseok Kang


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