Bong Joon-ho, an Influential Figure in South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-08-31 15:13:20

Burnout syndrome refers to a condition in which a person who is preoccupied with one thing feels tired and lethargy. Bong Joon-ho, who achieved four Academy Awards, was criticized for having a burnout syndrome. His colleagues also admitted that he was a workaholic. This spirit of challenge and passion gave birth to his major work, "Parasite".

▲ The Movie Poster of ˝Parasite˝

To begin with, Bong Joon-ho was born in Daegu. He is the youngest of two sons and two daughters. His elder sister, Bong Ji-hee, said that he was quiet and slow, but he is good at studying and has a sense of leadership, She also added that he does not have a talent. Director Bong was a Yonsei University student. He made "Yellow Door" in Yonsei's film club. After joining a film club, he became interested in movies.

Bong made many full-length films such as "Barking Dogs Never Bite", "Memories of Murder", "Parasite" and many more. There are a few short films such as "White Man" and "Incoherence". Because of these, Bong won the Palm d'Or at Cannes Film Festival. In 2019, he became a four-time academy award winner with "Parasite". BBC praised Bong Joon-ho because of his achievements.

▲ four time academy award winner

Bong is very sensitive and methodical. Because of his unique personality, he was called, 'Bongtail'. He does not only care about cliche but also about black comedy. For these reasons, the feature of his movies mostly has a sad ending. After his success, Bong Joon-ho Cinema was established in Texas. Many students all over the world are learning from him and from his textbooks, too. Bong Joon-ho's Dystopia is already here.


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