Social Exploration with Opera대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-09-22 11:56:41

Most of the students might feel that world history is difficult and complicated. However, this book titled "Social Exploration with Opera", shows world history with fourteen operas. You might wonder why opera is related to world history. After you read ten pages of this book, you will understand why.

▲ the cover of the book

Opera is unfamiliar and difficult, and world history is too big and complicated. Both opera and world history are not so easy to approach, and they are hard to understand. However, if you combine opera and world history, you will see a vivid and rhythmical story that captures your eyes and ears from "Eurydice" to "The Marriage of Figaro", to "Navuko" and "Turandot" that is set in the East. The book introduces operas with various features and backgrounds and also explores the history of opera. Through this, you can look at the Renaissance period. You can also learn the details of the period during the performance of each opera. The combination of opera and world history makes it more interesting to study them by finding their points of contact.

▲ author Lee Young-sook

Lee Young-sook, the author of the book, said she also hated world history when she was young because it was difficult and complicated. However, after traveling from university, she suddenly became interested in world history and realized that there are so many different societies and cultures in the world. She began teaching world history to children as well as adults and wrote this book because she liked how people enjoyed hearing the story of world history.

If you are a teenager who is struggling to study world history or if you are an adult who wants to study world history again, "Social Exploration with Opera" might be great for you.

Sep. 19th, 2020

by Nayoung Kim


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