Florida Bridge Collapsed대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-04-06 15:47:00

▲ In Miami, Florida, there was an accident of the bridge being collapsed.

The pedestrian bridge in South Florida was collapsed, and four people were found dead in the rubble of a collapsed bridge. They were crossing the road under the bridge when the bridge had collapsed. This was a serious accident that reminds us to be careful when we build a new bridge.

Reporters said that the bridge was collapsed in South Florida, and four people were dead, and nine people got injured. One of the injured people had a brain injury because of the concussion. A pile of ruins had hit his head, and he passed out immediately. Also, two of the injured people are in a critical condition and doctors are trying to save them. Then, how witness felt in that situation?

▲ The site of building the bridge which was collapsed in Miami

Sweetwater Police detective Juan Llera was in South Florida when the bridge collapsed, and he said that he heard something loud. He said that he heard a sound like a bomb had exploded, and he thought it was a terrorist attack. Another person said that they all had heard a loud sound. One driver said that he was waiting for the green light in front of the bridge when the bridge suddenly got down. This bridge was planned to make a great pedestrian overpass for university students, but it had collapsed.

▲ The exact location of newly constructed pedestrian bridge collapses

The pedestrian overpass was collapsed in South Florida, and four people were dead and nine people were injured because of this serious accident. One of the injured people got a brain injury, and two of the injured people are in a critical condition and doctors are trying to save these. This pedestrian overpass was supposed to be a safe way to cross a busy highway for college students, and this made people feel sad. This accident reminds us to be careful when we build new structures.

March. 17th, by 한다훈


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