Passion of PyeongChang Winter Paralympics대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-04-06 15:51:01

PyeongChang Winter Olympics was finished with a great result for South Korea. So, many people miss the various games of Olympics. However, they do not need to miss because PyeongChang Winter Paralympics is set ablaze. PyeongChang Winter Paralympics hosted on March 9th, and it will be finished on March 18th. Pyeongchang organizing committee said that 570 athletes from 49 countries had registered. Also, it has been the largest scale of Winter Paralympics until now.
The events of 2018 PyeongChang Paralympics are total of six sports, which are biathlon, snowboard, ice hockey, alpine skiing, cross-country skiing, and wheelchair curling. Moreover, there are 68 athletes from the US, 52 athletes from Canada, and 38 athletes from Japan. Also, athletes of South Korea are 36, and they are competing in all six sports. North Korea grants an exceptional invitation by the International Paralympic Committee, and two athletes of cross-country skiing will be participating. Russia got doping, so 30 athletes in four sports of Russia have to compete under the name of Neutral Paralympic Athlete. Moreover, North Korea, Tajikistan, and Georgia are the first time of Paralympic.

All athletes of PyeongChang Winter Paralympics try hard to participate in the Paralympic games in spite of their obstacles. It is not only their passion but also their volition. Also, they prepare the Paralympics hard for over four years to do their best in the Paralympic games. Moreover, the result of the game will comfort their strenuous body and soul. The goal of South Korea is ranking of top 10 with one gold medal, one silver medal, and two bronze medals. With their desperate efforts, they can achieve their aim.

Even if PyeongChang Winter Olympics was finished, Pyeongchang Winter Paralympics is now in progress. Do not feel the lack of PyeongChang Winter Olympics, cheer for the athletes who do their best to achieve their goal although they have something hard to exercise. Paralympics will be as enjoyable as Olympics because of the athletes' passion. During nine days of Paralympics, the athletes will give us dream and hope. How about enjoying Paralympic?

Mar. 17th, by Kim Seojin


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